Village Officials have voiced concern over the amount of debris and pollutants in and along our creeks and storm drainage systems.  This on-going problem, of all types of debris, such as plastic containers, aluminum cans, glass bottles, Styrofoam, branches, grass, and leaves, entering the creeks, causes blockage and flow issues for storm water moving along the creeks, into the canals, and to the Great South Bay.

When we get one of those heavy rain storms that dumps several inches of rain in an hour or so, the storm water becomes an issue.  Our creeks and streams can fill up very quickly, and the presence of debris causes problems with the proper flow of the water, which leads to major flooding problems on our roadways and adjacent properties.

We can all help prevent our creeks from backing up in certain storms by not throwing leaves, branches, grass clippings, debris, and garbage into the creek.  Here are some tips you can take to keep the creek clean of debris:

  • Grass clippings & leaves should not be thrown, raked, or blown into the creek. Residents are encouraged to collect grass clippings/rake-up leaves, bag them, and place them in front of their homes for scheduled Village pick-up.
  • Do not trim trees, shrubs, or bushes and throw the branches into the creek.
  • Pick up garbage and litter around your property so that it does not collect in the creek.

Please, also be reminded that there are laws against littering and polluting, and anyone caught illegally dumping into our waterways will face possible fines and legal action.

The Village thanks you for your cooperation, care, and commitment to our safety and environment.  Together, we can make a difference.